Wednesday 24 May 2023

A Country You Would Like To Visit

Hi FAU Bloggers!

One thing I have been lucky enough to do in my live is travel abroad frequently. Since my first trip abroad to Amsterdam as a 20-year old to visiting China last year, I have managed to visit a number of countries, mainly in Western Europe and South American. All in all, I've visited 24 countries, which includes the UK, which is 4 countries, but not including Ecuador where I spent 5 hours in a frontier market town, or stopovers in airports (Canada, Russia) or countries I drove through without really stopping (Belgium and Luxenberg).  

Anyway, having already had the chance to visit amazing countries like Japan, Turkey, Costa Rica and New Zealand, I think the place I would most like to visit is Cambodia, mainly because I would love to see the Angor Wat buddhist temple. I don't really know much about the temple except that it is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world, and, is the biggest religious structure on the planet. Apparently, Cambodia isn't as developed as other countries in the region and it has a problematic past in terms of politics. In recent years, tourism has been on the increase and Cambodia is seen as a quieter more relaxing destination than its neighbours Thailand and Vietnam.

If I could travel to Cambodia I'd like to go with my wife. Ideally I'd go for about 3 or 4 weeks. Angor Wat is so big it's recommended that you allow at least 4 days to explore. Cambodia also has amazing beaches so I'd also plan to spend some time chilling at the beach. The other place to visit would be Phnom Penh, the capital city, in order to soak up some Cambodian culture.


What about you? 

Write about a country you would like to visit.


Which country it is,

Why you would like to visit it,

Who you would go with,

How long you'd spend there,

Which places you would visit.

Mention anything else you thing is interesting or important. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a coment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates. 


  1. you have visited so many countries, totally enviable

    1. Yes, Marce, I´ve been very lucky but it´s never too late to start....

  2. i have never traveled outside the country :( i want to visit japan too

  3. 24 countries!! wow that's a lot of countries

  4. i have never heard of Cambodia, it looks like a very interesting country.

  5. I think spending the time traveling is a good way to live life.

  6. 24 countries! I hope to have the same luck. Cambodia seems like a nice place to go on vacation I hope you can visit it soon:)

  7. Angkor is a classical architecture buddhist

  8. I had listened the name of the country but I didn´t know where was it Cambodia until I search it.

  9. 24 countries!, you could make a travel blog


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